Easy to go to blackheads to make TA closer to you

Against the stubborn blackheads, I believe that it is really annoying for many people. How should we remove them? Today, Xiaobian teaches you a few tips.

Easy to go to blackheads Let TA be closer to you

1, homemade mask

Homemade oatmeal mask to remove blackheads. Soak the oatmeal in cold water for 2-3 hours, then stir it with skim milk, then dry the oatmeal on the face for half an hour, then massage by hand, focus on the T area and the blackheads, then wash with water. net.

2, "hot first and then cold"

Apply a hot towel to the face, relax the pores, and then make a mask, which can effectively remove the sebum and cleverly pull out the blackheads. Then, use a cotton pad that is refrigerated in the refrigerator to apply lotion , spread the entire face, gently tap it, and use the principle of cold shrinking to shrink the pores well and prevent blackheads from regenerating.

3, toothpaste to blackhead

Clean the face with warm water or a cleansing lotion, then squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on the T-zone or the blackhead on the nose, and push it evenly until it is all white, about 5 minutes. The coolness is very light or even disappears, then rinse the toothpaste with water and it will be OK. Then you will find that the annoying blackheads are indeed gone.

Easy to go to blackheads Let TA be closer to you

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4, wash soap

Touch the face soap on both sides of the nose, use the two fingers to massage the first 10 laps and the last 10 laps on both sides of the nose, then clean the soap bubbles on the nose with water to remove the blackheads easily.

5, blackhead export liquid

By applying and fumigation, the blackhead can be emulsified and softened, so that it can be easily discharged from the pores. Some of the derived liquids are mainly made by deep emulsification, so that the blackheads are all discharged outside the skin. Before you go to the blackhead, steam your face and let the pores open completely.

6, using softening liquid dead skin

The dead skin around the formation of blackheads has also accumulated a lot, so if you want to completely clean it, you must first remove the dead skin in the pores. After the pores are opened, the soft skin is applied to the blackhead to decompose the dead skin, which can effectively remove the dead skin attached to the blackhead.

7, toner skin care

The pores will be slightly reddish, and some toners with shrink pores will be used to shrink the water. Never use alcohol, it will only make the pores irritating, not good for the skin.

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