Newspaper Publications and Paper Consumption in China in 1999

According to the statistics of the State Press and Publication Administration, in 1999, 2,038 kinds of newspapers were published across the country, with a total of 3,183,815 printed copies, and 63,368,20 thousand printed papers, equivalent to 1,464,400 tons of newsprint, an increase of 17.9% over the previous year. Among them, the central level newspapers printed 1,1980,474 thousand sheets, used 275,600 tons of paper, which accounted for 18.82%, and local-level newspapers printed 51,687,746 thousand sheets, with a paper volume of 1,188,800 tons, accounting for 81.18%.
In 1999, the total paper consumption of local-level newspapers was divided by region. In the eastern region, 825105 tons of paper was used in the eastern part of the country, accounting for 69.4%, and 224,987 tons of paper was used in 9 areas in the central part, accounting for 18.93%, and 138,726 tons of paper was used in 10 areas in the west. 11.67%. Local newspapers with paper consumption over 50,000 tons have 28,428 tons in Guangdong, 106,397 tons in Shanghai, 82,729 tons in Jiangsu, 76,675 tons in Shandong, 63,329 tons in Zhejiang, 61,545 tons in Hubei, 57,148 tons in Beijing, and 55,283 tons in Sichuan.