Extending the life of the leather sofa is the key

Many families now buy leather sofas, but many people find that the cortex has deteriorated after a while, in fact, it is a maintenance problem. Xiao Bian today introduced a few leather sofa maintenance tricks for industrious housewives. Love Iris sofa http://aris.cnjiaju.com/share

Leather sofa cleaning method
1, the maintenance of the leather sofa should start from the purchase, the newly purchased sofa first wash the wet towel with water, wring out and wipe off the dust and dirt on the sofa surface, then use the care agent to gently wipe the surface of the sofa one or two times (do not use A waxy care product) forms a protective film on the surface of the dermis, making it difficult for future dirt to penetrate deep into the pores of the dermis for future cleaning.
2, to avoid oil stains, ballpoint pens, inks, etc. soiled sofas. If you find stains on the sofa, you should immediately clean it with leather cleaner. If there is no leather cleaner, use a clean white towel with a little alcohol to lightly smudge the stain, then dry it with a damp towel and finally use a protective agent. . When the leather sofa is seriously polluted, not only the original luster is lost, but also the dirt penetrates into the pores of the leather. To clean these dirt, a special steam engine for cleaning the sofa and a special cleaning agent are required. When using a sofa steam engine to clean the sofa, first do a test in an inconspicuous place to see if the leather fades. If it fades, you have to use other methods.
3, the daily care of the sofa can be wiped with a wrung wet towel, about 2-3 months with a leather cleaning agent to clean the sofa, or use a household vacuum cleaner to absorb the dust on the sofa surface. After cleaning, a protective liquid should be applied to the sofa to prevent the dirt from penetrating into the pores of the cortex again causing secondary pollution. The protective liquid is preferably a liquid soft wax for leather sofas, otherwise the cortex will harden and age quickly.
Leather sofa maintenance method
1. For leather sofas, avoid sharp scratches on leather. If it is used improperly, it may cause small cracks and grinding on the surface of the leather. You can use the egg to clean the ink. The color skin can be repeatedly applied with the corresponding watercolor paint. After drying, rub the leather polish or Vaseline; if the crack is relatively large, Then use a high-quality adhesive such as Baide gel to evenly spread on both sides of the cut. After 8~10 minutes, tighten the break, align and bond, and finally use the eraser to remove the glue left in the break. . In order to prolong the service life and prevent children from jumping and playing on the sofa, the body with sweat should not be in direct contact with the sofa.
2, the furniture should be placed away from high temperatures and excessive humidity. Too high a temperature causes the appearance of the synthetic leather to change and stick to each other; excessive humidity causes the hydrolysis of the synthetic leather to occur and develop, causing damage to the surface film and shortening the service life. Therefore, furniture should not be placed near the stove, should not be placed on the side of the radiator, and do not let the sun shine directly; like the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen and other rooms should not be equipped with synthetic leather furniture. If the living room is often exposed to the sun, it may be necessary to adjust the position of several sofas to prevent the color difference from being obvious. If the humidity is high, you can use the weak sunlight from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning for seven days, about one hour a day. Do it once in 3 months.
How to use the leather protectant Rinse the towel with water (or any soft, non-fading rag), wring it out by hand, fold it up, hold the folded towel, spray the leather protectant until it is slightly damp, wipe the leather, and gently rub it. Do not rub hard, wipe each part in sequence, and repeatedly apply a protective agent to keep the cloth slightly wet until the care procedure is completed. Reduce the ductility of the skin. Thereby extending the life of the sofa.

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