Make outdoor sports a lifestyle

Let outdoor sports become a lifestyle date: 2016-12-28 14:45

The earliest understanding of outdoor sports by the Chinese people may have started with backpackers. Most of these images have been seen on foreign films or on Hong Kong-Taiwanese films or television, or are foreign backpackers who come to China. In the minds of many people, especially young people, it was an ideal, romantic and mysterious and challenging life style. In the eyes of some adults, it was more of a worry-free guy. Boring thing. In short, when people first learned about outdoor sports, they looked at it with many alternative or ideal colors. The earliest outdoor players in China, but also from the 80's, in that era, outdoor sports is a synonym for full of challenges and stimulating colors, in people's minds, Deng Xueshan, cycling around China, walking through the desert, etc. It is considered outdoor sports. This is a group of special characters. Some people understand that some people respect and admire, and more people feel incredible and amazing. People give more colors to heroes and explorers to this group.

At the end of the 1990s, with the sustained and rapid development of China's economy after the reform and opening up, the material life of the people in China, especially the urban areas, has been greatly improved. As a result, the phenomenon of concern for the climbers, backpackers, and outdoor heat has begun to appear. More people began to join the ranks of outdoor sports. At this time, outdoor sports is seen by many people as a fashion activity for young people, or some scholars say that outdoor sports are a reflection of young people's subculture phenomenon.

As the times are developing, people who know, understand, and participate in outdoor sports are also expanding. Therefore, our understanding of outdoor sports should not only be limited to fashion or young people. Here to talk about my view of outdoor sports.

First, outdoor sports is a kind of leisure lifestyle. It is a healthy lifestyle for people to pursue anti-aesthetics.

The Chinese used to eat, drink, or play cards during their leisure time. Later, with the development of the economy, the entertainment industry has developed rapidly in China and has quickly flooded into people's leisure activities. However, as people’s material lives are getting richer, people who have stayed in urban man-made forests for a long time still have some shortcomings in the flourishing city life. As a result, some people began to choose to leave their place of life in the holidays and go outside to see. The place unfamiliar in the distance is always a place full of mysteries, and nature is always a place that gives human life force. Therefore, at this time, outdoor sports began to emerge and began to attract the participation of many people. Some people say that once you play outdoors, you will be attracted by it. Why? Because it not only satisfies people's curiosity, but also allows people to move away from the modern society of industrial society and return to the life of anti-aesthetics. Playing outdoor races will always seem to adhere to some of their own rules of the game. In outdoor sports, there is no difference in status, status and degree, and it is clearly separated from work and life. Therefore, I said that outdoor sports should be a healthy lifestyle that perfectly meets the needs of modern people. It is one of the fresh lifestyles that everyone can have. The most important significance of its rise is that it allows people to gradually walk out of their homes, go outdoors, walk into the wilderness, indulge in the landscape, and seek the essential meaning of human survival from nature.

Second, our starting point for outdoor sports is too high.

I said that outdoor sports can become one of the lifestyles of everyone. Many people may express their disagreement. Many people would say that outdoor sports are too expensive, they are expensive to buy equipment, and they are too hard to play. They are destined to play only for young people who have a good economic condition. My opinion is that, like any leisure activity, outdoor sports can be played easily, you can also play professionally, and you can play super self challenge. Of course, if you want to play more professional and challenging, you really need better equipment conditions and physical skills, which is something that most people cannot achieve. However, just as I do not advocate people to do physical exercises just to achieve better results, I also advocate that everyone do outdoor sports. Do not just do outdoor sports for adventure and challenge. It is first of all a simple leisure method. This leisure method can improve the quality of life. It is not a goal to achieve or a peak to climb. However, our concept of outdoor sports is often positioned too high. It seems that we must have good equipment, climb a certain number of peaks, or play a more professional outdoor project before we really play outdoors. For outdoor sports, I think the first step is to get out of the house, out of modern city life, to get close to nature, and experience a natural way of life. Everyone can choose the type of outdoor sports he likes because of different working life and personality characteristics. Some people prefer outdoor activities that are comfortable and casual. Some people like fresh outdoor activities, while others like to take risks and become rich. Challenging outdoor activities. The most important thing is an experience that we end up with, not a specific form.

Third, where is the attribution of outdoor sports?

On April 29, 2005, the State General Administration of Sport formally established the mountain outdoor sports as an officially launched sports project in China, which is affiliated to sub-items of mountaineering projects. Its business work is managed by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration. Although outdoor sports, which has long been welcomed by many people, has temporarily found its place, many people still find it difficult to recognize outdoor sports as a simple sport. Indeed, there is a big difference between outdoor sports and traditional sports.

First of all, traditional sports have relatively fixed venues and facilities, and activities are within a limited range. Competitive sports generally require relatively strict standards of venues and facilities. Ordinary people need at least some simple venue conditions when performing mass sports. For example, if we play badminton outdoors, we usually need at least one rough venue, and sometimes we need to Pull a line in the middle as a net. The control of site and facilities conditions is one of the important features of traditional sports programs. Its purpose is mainly to control the changing environmental factors during exercise. However, outdoor sports are just the opposite. Outdoor sports are completely based on the natural environment. Its charm is that the natural environment is always uncontrollable. It is always in constant change. It is different in different seasons and climates. A place, its environment will be different at different times.

Second, the second important feature of traditional sports is the requirement of its rules, that is, standardization. There is no rule that does not lead to a radius, and all items of traditional sports projects emphasize the importance of the rules. The main purpose of the rules is to facilitate competition, that is, traditional sports emphasizes more on a civilized competition. Of course, there is no denying that the important charm of sports lies in its competitiveness. However, too strict and demanding rules sometimes lose the charm of natural physical activity in sports. Too much emphasis on competition often makes people who participate feel that the concept of hierarchy in sports is also often frustrated. Outdoor sports are different. From the very beginning, it emphasizes more on participation and challenges, but it does not compete with others. It is rich in people's freedom and autonomy. Participants can change their activities and plans at any time according to specific conditions. Let people feel more integrated into nature in their proximity to nature.

In essence, outdoor sports is a product of a combination of leisure, tourism, and sports. It is not a simple sport. Or, the rise of outdoor sports also gives me a lot of inspiration for modern sports, especially for Chinese sports. Sports should also belong to everyone, and should not be just elites and professionals. Sports itself should also be based on the leisure activities themselves, aimed at improving the quality of life for each of us (fitness is ultimately to improve the quality of life) so that Chinese sports can develop better.

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