Children's tooth decay can not be sloppy

Teeth can help people chew food, which is an integral part of people's body. Children generally have eight molars. Children start to fall off when they are 10 to 12 years old. So, when is the child's caries falling off? What should I do if my child has abnormal shedding?
Causes of tooth decay
The main cause of tooth decay is natural replacement. At the appropriate age, these teeth will automatically fall off and give rise to the permanent teeth. This reason is quite common and not surprising. However, the loss of caries can also be related to other causes, such as no caries.
Early and late caries come off
When children show premature or late fallout of dental caries, they will have many problems. When the children's tooth decays too late, the permanent teeth will not grow. In some cases, retaining the deciduous teeth will cause the permanent teeth to forcibly grow, although they will eventually be fixed in an inappropriate position. These conditions may lead to some dental problems, and may also need to find a professional dentist to solve.
Trauma caused by traumatic shedding
Any dental caries due to trauma require urgent dental treatment. If your child is suffering from tooth loss due to trauma, you should use clean water to clean the children's teeth as soon as possible. Try to put the children's teeth back into the children's braces and let the children gently bite a piece of gauze. Keep your teeth in their original position and know that you bring your children to the dentist.
Naturally falling caries
When children's tooth decay begins to fall off, permanent teeth grow under their gums in their own way. The process may have some pain before the teeth are fully grown. Gum pain can make you feel uncomfortable, and swelling of the gums may occur. At this time, you can apply some acetaminophen or ibuprofen analgesics to your child's gums. You can also use an ice pack or an analgesic to gently massage in pain to relieve pain.
Abnormal tooth decay
According to the different ages of each child, the treatment methods used by the doctors for children's abnormal tooth decay will also be different. These treatments include the doctor may install some removable or fixed teeth in the children's mouth. If the children's teeth need correction, then you can also give the children surgery or physical correction. The treatment of children depends mainly on the child's age, psychological and physical development, and there are other factors that the dentist and the children's parents will discuss in detail.
When the teeth fall off, parents should be careful not to allow the children to swallow the teeth and prevent the risk of suffocation. This is especially important when the children are young.
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