Is the order in which you practice your muscles correct?

1, the large muscle group first practice


This is a training principle that should be observed. You can't practice by picking up the instrument without picking up the temper. The muscles of the legs, chest, and back belong to the large muscle group. Exercises of these muscle groups require a heavier load, otherwise it is difficult to achieve results. Therefore, when you are energetic and able to overcome the heavier load, you must first train these muscle groups. If you wait until the end of the training session to practice these muscle groups, you will not be able to do so, and the effect will be greatly reduced, and even injury accidents will occur.  
For example, someone often starts training with three sets of 90 kg barbell bench press exercises. In the second half of the class, three sets of triceps push down exercises are performed with a 30 kg barbell. One day, he reversed the training sequence. He used the 34 kg barbell to do the triceps push down exercise. When he was practicing bench press, he could only push up the 79 kg barbell. This is because the triceps have been trained in a certain load in the push-down exercise, fatigue , and unable to complete the three sets of 90 kg barbell bench press. In this case, for the fatigued triceps, the weight of 79 kg is close to the ultimate load, but it is not enough for the development of the chest and shoulder muscles. Obviously, it is much better to finish the exercises with more muscle groups and then complete the single muscle exercises. Because the use of smaller weights in a single muscle exercise does not affect other muscle groups, the single muscle itself can achieve large stress stimuli.


2, muscles should alternate training

This is also a training principle. Do not practice in the same muscle. The muscles that alternately practice can recover a certain amount after each exercise, and thus can bear a relatively greater load in each exercise. Since the development of muscle strength and volume is closely related to the intensity of training, alternating practice is more beneficial.

Muscle volume and strength increase.
For example, in bench press and triceps pushdown exercises, the triceps are the motility muscles. After doing the bench press, the practitioner will do the triceps push down exercise and overcome the resistance of 30 kg. If a set of standing elbow flexion and extension exercises are completed in the two sets of exercises, he can overcome the 34 kilograms of resistance during the pushdown exercise because the fatigued triceps are restored. If the trainer intends to continuously stimulate the same muscle, it should be noted that the recovery interval must be sufficient.


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