Pharmaceutical bottle packaging safety and innovation

The pharmaceutical bottle packaging market, from the relevant statistical data, the global pharmaceutical sales will maintain a growth rate of 3% to 6% by 2015 will reach about 110 billion US dollars. As China enters an aging society, the demand for pharmaceutical products will continue to be released. Based on the current status of the market, the prospects for the future development of medical bottle packaging are also very promising. So what are the current priorities and trends for pharmaceutical bottle manufacturers?

The first aspect is the safety of medical bottle packaging. This is the foundation of the medical bottle delivery station and is also the entry barrier for pharmaceutical bottle manufacturers. Efforts to achieve the safety of medical bottle packaging, including all aspects of the hierarchy. The safety of medical bottle packaging materials can make the pharmaceutical bottle packaging and pharmaceutical products reach zero in terms of the possibility of compatibility. Maintain the stability of the medicine bottle packaging materials, not affected by various factors such as the environment.

The second aspect is the innovation of medical bottle packaging. It is also very important that we strive to make the medical bottle packaging more user-friendly and more in line with people's habits. Only efforts to improve these aspects can make the pharmaceutical bottle packaging have a better development prospects.